Repairs, Refinishing, Resizing
We stand behind our craftsmanship as well as that of all the jewelers we represent.
That said, pieces can still break or get damaged. Depending on the item and time since purchase, repairs will be assessed on a case by case basis. Please inquire and we will be happy to work with you to restore your piece to its original beauty.
Over time pieces can also change and need to be reconditioned. We are happy to clean, patina, resurface your piece. Many of these reconditions services are free of charge. However, if a piece is very badly worn we may charge a nominal fee.
Most of our rings can be sized. Depending on the style this typically takes 1-3 weeks. In most cases the first sizing is complimentary. However, if complicated or if a large sizing increase is needed, a sizing charge may apply. Generally these range from $40 to $150.